About Sentigral

Sentigral wants to put AI  technology in the hands of everyone.

It’s advanced technology but it can be simple for you to use.

In 2022 we’re at the edge of a great new frontier. Today, AI and computer vision is only really understood by large organisations, expert researchers and a handful of hobbyist amateurs.

That has to change, and it’ll only change when the right tools become available. So that’s what we’re doing.

By giving you the tools to discover and gain mastery over data, and access to the world’s compute power, we can  give you more understanding of and power over your  surroundings.

Our Standard Vision Model is just the start. Computer vision and AI has huge potential – our vision is to harness it for good and make it available, affordable and meaningful for everyone – supplying Custom Models, providing CV processing even to non-programmers, and eventually building an AI Construction Toolkit that’s as easy to use as a spreadsheet.